What about lack of willpower or staying power?
Lack of willpower or staying power are things often mentioned by those who struggle to continue to implement what they have started, in terms of changing their behaviour. Is this valid? Do they lack power of will, is it that they just can’t “stay the distance” with implementing the new behavior, or is it that their “will” is counteracted by something that is much more powerful?
What about motivation?
Despite what is often written and spoken about “motivation”, perhaps those who search amongst the plethora of self-help mediums that are available, they are motivated to change, are looking for something that will assist them in their lives, so it could be less about motivation, and more about “implementation”. Again, is it that there is something more powerful at play, that is hindering the implementation of what it is that they are already motivated todo, or to see happen? The answer is “Yes”!
There is a Powerful Force within all of us
There is a very powerful force at play, within all of us, that will ultimately determine how successful we are, short-term and long-term. It is the utilisation of this powerful force that will determine our ongoing will power, staying power, motivation, our ongoing success and the continued implementation of any logical and practical behaviour change process that is put in place.
This Powerful Force is the Programming of the Subconscious Mind. We have Two Minds, the Conscious Mind and the Subconscious Mind. The Conscious Mind is the Mind that we use to think, dream, imagine, rationalize, apply logic. The Subconscious Mind is like a computer, it just holds programming, and this Mind becomes programmed through experiences, and dependent on how our Subconscious Minds are programmed, this ultimately determines how we think, feel, act and behave. The Subconscious Mind is the more powerful of the Two Minds.
So in order to be more successful with any behavior change that we want to implement, it is essential that we have our Conscious Mind making the definite decision and our Subconscious Mind programmed to align with this, we then have both Minds working for the same goal.
The only direct way of accessing the Subconscious Mind is through the state of hypnosis. This is the reason why people achieve much more rapid and effective behavior change through working with Hypnotherapy.