Use Online Hypnotherapy for anxiety and stress, improving sleep and so much more.

Do you want to cope with life better and to feel better? New Zealand owned and operated Hypnotherapists Mindset Hypnotherapy have the tools and techniques to assist you to do just this. Don't put up with an unfulfilled life any longer.

Total Sleep ProgramMe

Having problems with sleep?

It doesn’t matter whether your sleeping problems have been occurring for a short time or a long time. Our Hypnotherapy for Sleep treatment will provide you with a PERMANENT SOLUTION to these problems.


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How hypnotherapy works

Your behaviours are dictated by the programming of your subconscious mind.  Due to this programming, often it is difficult for you to make changes to your behaviour despite making a conscious decision to do so. Hypnotherapy gives you the tools to help you to re-programme your subconscious mind and give you back control.

our treatments

Simple Pricing, No Hidden Fees

Choose the payment option that suits you best and get started on overcoming your challenges and achieving your goals.

Stop Smoking

Get better health, save money, take back control

Only pay 50% up front and the other payment of 50% two weeks later

Habit Elimination

Take back control and feel free again.

Only pay 50% up front and the other payment of 50% two weeks later

Stress Buster

Learn to relax and stay that way

Only pay 50% up front and the other payment of 50% two weeks later

Confidence Booster

Greater self-esteem, self-confidence, self-determination, self-resilience – feel empowered.

Only pay 50% up front and the other payment of 50% two weeks later

Conquer Fear

Get rid of fear, get rid of phobias (generalized and/or specific);

Only pay 50% up front and the other payment of 50% two weeks later

Total Sleep

Learning to sleep naturally – leads to feeling well – leads to improved ways of coping. Our hypnotherapy for sleep treatment could be just what you need.

Only pay 50% up front and the other payment of 50% two weeks later

Anti Anxiety

Get rid of the physiological symptoms of anxiety and learn how to cope better and feel better with hypnotherapy for anxiety. We're located in New Zealand and ready to help you.

Only pay 50% up front and the other payment of 50% two weeks later

Stop Smoking

Get better health, save money, take back control

Pay in 1 up front payment to get 10% off your treatment programme

Habit Elimination

Take back control and feel free again.

Pay in 1 up front payment to get 10% off your treatment programme

Stress Buster

Learn to relax and stay that way

Pay in 1 up front payment to get 10% off your treatment programme

Confidence Booster

Greater self-esteem, self-confidence, self-determination, self-resilience – feel empowered.

Pay in 1 up front payment to get 10% off your treatment programme

Conquer Fear

Get rid of fear, get rid of phobias (generalized and/or specific);

Pay in 1 up front payment to get 10% off your treatment programme

Total Sleep

Learning to sleep naturally – leads to feeling well – leads to improved ways of coping. Our hypnotherapy for sleep treatment could be just what you need.

Pay in 1 up front payment to get 10% off your treatment programme

Anti Anxiety

Get rid of the physiological symptoms of anxiety and learn how to cope better and feel better with hypnotherapy for anxiety. We're located in New Zealand and ready to help you.

Pay in 1 up front payment to get 10% off your treatment programme

Customer testimonials

"Before trying hypnotherapy, I had been a poor sleeper for years and the problem was steadily getting worse. During those long hours of wakefulness all problems seemed magnified and I found it increasingly difficult to remain upbeat. Sleeping pills had unpleasant side-effects, and none of the natural sleep remedies from Health Shops had any effect. Due to lack of sleep I felt continually exhausted and impatient with everyone and everything.On the recommendation of one of Imogen’s former clients, I decided to give hypnotherapy for sleep a try. I was immediately impressed by Imogen’s genuine desire to help and by her complete confidence in the effectiveness of hypnotherapy. Once I had grasped the importance of following her sleep method exactly as prescribed, there was a marked improvement. Not only did my quality of sleep improve but also my general outlook became more positive. As a result, I am happy to recommend Imogen to anyone who needs help with sleeping, losing tension, changing negative thought patterns and building confidence."

Sleep programme client from Tauranga New Zealand

I was a smoker of a number of years smoking up to 100 cigs a day in my youth and averaging about 30 per day before I quit. As a night driver I found it extremely difficult to quit although I could stop with relative ease working days. I got to the stage where I was desperate to stop smoking. so I got a hold of quit line and stopped for a few weeks. I had got to the stage where I felt that I was doomed to be a smoker for the rest of my life and had ‘given up’ giving up. I thought I would try quit line again and around this time Imogen suggested I try Hypnotherapy, I started on the quit line program and at the same time I had some Hypnotherapy with Imogen. The Hypnotherapy reinforced my sub conscious mind and made the stopping easier. the relaxation I still use off and on today I have the tools now to stop and do some self hypnosis when needed, although I believe a lot of this goes on sub consciously. I am still a night driver having stopped for 19 months.I would whole heartily recommend hypnotherapy to anyone with addiction problems which is what smoking is.

Stop smoking and relaxation client from Taupo, New Zealand

I always felt nervous competing in Martial Arts tournaments and have been looking for a new way to focus, I turned to Imogen who guided me in improving my performance using self hypnotherapy. Having just achieved a gold medal in sparring was a great feeling and I know hypnotherapy gave me the edge.

Improving confidence client from London, UK

"Wow ! To fly long distance by myself feeling confident, calm and well is a relaxing and amazing experience, thank you Imogen."

Flying phobia client from Whangarei, New Zealand